Monday, July 9, 2012

Approaching Training Challenges

We have more training tools today than ever in history. It is exciting and overwhelming what is available to make us better athletes. YouTubes, equipment, DVDs, personal trainers, video analysis... just go into any of the sporting good stores and have a heyday!

The challenge is not having variety or enough training aides. It is now, how do we maximize our time and give our bodies the best improvement for the limited numbers of hours in our days and seasons?

The best way to approach training is to know:
1) what are the weaknesses that limit our overall performance and your joint weaknesses,
2) which motions are the most important for our sport,
3) how to increase all aspects of performance: speed, stamina, strength, power, coordination, stability, flexibility, reaction time, mental control, proper conditioned responses, and more.

Because training our weaknesses is the least enjoyable, it is usually the top priority in being a cut above the rest. Find the training tools and coaches that help you to find more pleasure in mastering the things you aren't as good at or don't like practicing. 

Training weaker joints and the weaker ranges in those joints is also key to making your body perform better and avoid injuries. You may look great and be a world-class athlete and still have limitations in your performance and injuries. These are due to weaker muscles and range. Learn to strengthen these areas as much the ranges you enjoy.

There are many motions you make in competition. Try to equip yourself beyond the ranges that non-sports-specific equipment offers that are priorities to your sport.  

The secrets of The Cyto Advantage improve your speed, stamina, strength, power (all the things listed above) by specifically identifying and training your joint and performance weakness. Often the weight of your own body is too heavy for your weaker muscles. Therefore, you do not use them adequately while performing your intense sport demands. Coordination, stability, flexibility, reaction time, all benefit when you discipline yourself to train what brings balance and secure power base from which to operate. 

With so many motions to make while working out and only so much time in a day, the athlete who train the best swill do the most for his/her performance and for the longevity of his/her career. Take the time to find out how go farther each hour you put into your training by finding the highest priority training ranges. 

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