Monday, January 31, 2011

Giving You The Most

Here are the top ten qualities The Cyto Advantage maximizes for you:
  1. Trains You Towards Ideal
  2. Prioritizes Motions for Individual Needs
  3. Frees Up Ranges Of Motion
  4. Isolates Cooperative Movements in Your Core, Digits, and Limbs
  5. Integrates Strength and Accuracy with Mental and Physical Conditioning
  6. Strengthens For Dynamic Stability, Giving Pain Free Power
  7. Enhances Efficiency for Endurance
  8. Supplies Resources To Surpass Your Demand
  9. Coordinates Organ Support
  10. Optimizes Movements, Time and Efforts

My dozen key Precision Training words are Ideal, Specificity, Prioritize, Free, Isolate, Integrate, Stabilize Dynamically, Resources, Organ Support, Optimize.

Physics and physical laws cannot be escaped.  When we understand and apply them, they help us discern what is harmful and beneficial. You can do many more things with the quality of life you want when you apply these laws and principles in an organized fashion.

To do this, you would need to know what is ideal function. You need to know which of your 630 plus muscles are your top priority and how to train them in their three dimensions. You would need to be able to free up each joint to minimize restrictions, know how each muscles cooperates to provide dynamic stability, and how to teach your mind and body to do what quickly facilitates strength, accuracy, stability, efficiency and endurance gains.

You would need to know how the joints cooperate with each other to take care of problematic areas. If you had chronic and/or intense problems, you would need to take greater care at singling out which specific ranges of motions would counter balance the destabilizing forces and how to get these weak muscles to participate and the dominant muscles to relinquish control.

You likely have heard about glucosamine and chondroitin or are possibly taking them. To really get toward ideal function, you would need to know what repairs all the joints tissues, how the blood and lymph carry nutrients and wastes, and which quality and individual nutrients in your supplements and diet would enable your muscles to re-stabilize your joints. If you weren't healing quickly, you would need to know how to problem solve where you were missing the fix. Correction as we get older takes more than just exercise as many find out.

All through the years, our different organ systems would compete for resources. When we were young, most of us had the grace of growth hormone and sufficient enzymes to bring repair while we were naive. As we age, we are required to take more responsibility to eat and sleep well and increasingly know what we can do to support the integration of our organ systems to repair and heal. All systems are important for helping your musculoskeletal system. Your musculoskeletal system is important for helping all your organs.

My decades of attention to coordinating these details are why I can optimize your movements, time, and efforts for you. Knowledge building and change often takes time. This is why I believe investing in my help for your body gives you your best return on your time, money, and efforts. Your body is your most important tool. Care for it well.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Your Personal Body Mechanic

I believe your body has a specific layout design offering ideal function. My research and experience enables me to point your joints, mind and supporting organs towards ideal. You  may never be perfect, but you can move as close to ideal as you choose.  At whatever rate you want to move towards ideal, my unique and proprietary techniques can help you.

You have hundreds of joints with 600-plus muscles controlling them. Each joint and muscle affects the others considerably. Within hours, I gently help you feel and function better. As a result, you will move more freely and securely with greater stability. The more your joints move towards ideal, in balancing ranges and with detailed accuracy, the fewer problems you have, the more control you master, and the better you feel and look. 

Your body mechanics supports you to live happily. What more can you do with a well-working body?

Some people just want their car to get them from point A to point B. If it breaks down once in a while, it's okay. They accept that the inconvenience is to be expected. However, some people want their cars to run well, quietly, dependably, with good efficiency, nice looks, and longevity. As your personal body mechanic, I am there for you when your body breaks down, but I have gone through great lengths and sacrifices to be the mechanic that can equip and detail you to be the prized collectible and exhibition piece with prestigious Indy performance for your sport and/or your daily life, relationships and life's events. 

When I improve the physics behind your motions, your body can better serve you to fulfill your ambitions.  Advancing your body mechanics overcomes wear and tear so you play your sport better and longer and can carry out your daily activities and goals with more strength, poise, and joy in your steps.

Feel free to email me questions.  Join with me, "your personal body mechanic," to help others understand and utilize the valuable expertise of The Cyto Advantage.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Power of Biomechanics

Biomechanists from our Sports Performance Analysis group on LinkedIn had a discussion yesterday. The question was posed, “Does anyone have any idea why the uptake and use of advanced biomechanics and kinematic data is largely restricted to University labs and a wealth of overwhelming evidence is not used in professional sport?” Do we sound like science nerds?

My contribution was, “We [biomechanists] offer the finest tuning at the root of motion. Acceptance and understanding have come a long way for the other professionals contributing to performance training. We just need to keep plugging away.” So, I keep plugging away, researching, applying, and educating. I believe our time will come.

Meanwhile, let me show you a video which exemplifies the body's ability to perform what the mind calculates. Robert Carlos, on February 21, 1998, did what he trained to do. You will see the payoff for learning how to use rotational physics to his advantage. To do this, he taught his muscles in many ranges to respond to what he trained his mind to accurately judge. He diligently mastered being able to supply his body to meet his high demand. His phenomenal feat did not happen by accident. Watch his other amazing goals and check out other elite soccer players to verify that they are mastering the mind with the body.  They have as many muscles and bones as you do.  

What I offer as your biomechanical specialist are the means for you to do whatever you want your body to do. I am prepared to help you gain control and confidence in your body to whatever level you want. From cosmetic and overcoming joint problems to incredible strength and ranges of motions, you and I hold power to upgrade your life and its activities by elevating your biomechanics.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Weak-End Warriors

Do you dream about the good ol' days when you were young enough to do just about anything you wanted?  Now, however, are you too busy or feeling it too unimportant to get out there and really train? Yet, once in a while, are you allured by pick up games or outdoor adventures that tempt you to strut your ol' stuff? 

Your friends invite you to play regularly. You're too busy, too tired, or too crippled. Your co-worker suggests golf, a hike, or a mountain bike adventure. The boys are going to the park to play some touch football, and there is a pick up game of basketball with some buddies. At some point, you join in. You remember the last time you did this and decide to stretch this time. The next thing you know you are huffing and puffing, a little concerned, but having too much fun and too many flashbacks to be cautious. Maybe, you even show off a bit.  The next day, once again, you are sore, stiff, and gimping along. You'll remember next time.

Why not get out there and train during the week? Why put yourself at risk every time you want to have fun? No more last minute sports decisions that make you feel inferior so you have to try to prove something, and the only thing you prove is that you really are out of shape.

To go from out of shape to in shape is different than what we went through to get in shape when we were young. Now the loss of muscle, poor posture, spare tire, or achy joints are hurdles we do not know if we can overcome. How much time will it take? How much work will it take?

If you can get to Scottsdale, my specialty is giving you a direct path towards getting the good ol' young body back again. Your pain-reducing, quick gains in strength and stability spur you on and so does improving quickly in your sports interests. I have noticed that fat is retained closest to under-used muscles. My Precision Training targets the weak muscles so you can improve in all areas, slim down and appear more slender within days to weeks.

So don't get caught being a Weak-End Warrior. Get back on top of your game. Re-laying a strong foundation for you to get back into the swing of things is only a matter of weeks away with The CytoAdvantage. Take action. Your body is your most important tool.

In tribute to Jack LaLanne, who passed last Sunday at age 96, here are a few quotes:
"The only way you can hurt the body is not use it. Inactivity is the killer and, remember, it's never too late."  "Exercise is king; nutrition is queen."
"God helps them who helps themselves. He gives you the power to do it - you've got to do it! People overeat, get fat, get sick and then pray to God. In life, there are certain rules you must follow."  "Life is like an athletic event. You've got to have goals and challenges. What's a good education and making good money if you don't have your health? You have to work at your health!"
Thanks Kimberly Garrison:  Fitness Icon Is Gone

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elite Athletes, Examples for Health and Life

I love training elite athletes because I can apply the facets of my expertise to the fullest.  If you want to improve towards any personal goal, the examples of elite athletes comprise a good model for you.

What is an elite athlete? Elite has to do with being the most skilled in your group. Once you've made it to this category in your sport, the goal naturally is to be the elite of the elite.

The best are the most able to control their bodies. The elite athletes have relatively more mental control, connection, and “attachment” to their bodies. Key number one, if you want to be one of the best, focus on training your mental control of and connection to your motions.

Two, the best athletes are students of their sport. There is not one elite athlete who didn't discipline himself (or herself) in the study of his sport's motions. Elite athletes observe others and study the needed angles and plays to improve the physics behind those motions. Key number two is master the physics of your body and of your sport mechanics.

Then, they practice the motions over and over. If they do them correctly, they improve. If the balance of their muscles are not strong enough to maintain stability to support the forces, they plateau or suffer injuries. Number three is elite athletes are diligent to train as perfectly as possible.

Number four is elite athletes quickly receive instruction from experts for corrections. To stay elite, it is critical the athlete continues to learn and be helped. They must correct the injuries and not have the plateaus.  If they do not find the help they need, the alternative for many top athletes is to be like Sandy Koufax and accept the high level they achieved and graciously exit their sport, or like Karl Lewis, rest, train, and wane until they can not continue. 

Probably the strongest defining point for maintaining the competence of being an elite athlete is training the weaker areas to prevent injuries and to not incur plateaus. Karl Lewis and Sandy Koufax competed in significant pain. Though they did all four of the other steps, they and many athletes did and do not know how to correct significant weaknesses and imbalances. Older professional athletes are humble enough to work on their weaknesses for years, and it pays off.

Even with these, athletes have not come close to reaching their potential in identifying weaknesses, training important ranges, and exceeding current elite levels. Professional sports continues to improve, but the injuries, plateaus, and inability to execute what the coaches envision are due to limitations in training muscle biomechanics.  Proper training will take care of these and can step up each sport to an incredible new level. 
Everyone can take their health to a new level by improving in like manner. By properly discerning and developing weaknesses and strengths, every athlete and everybody can progress and enjoy themselves longer and stronger. May you enjoy the best of health and performance now and for life.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Strong Enough To Be Healthy

Health is the strength to do what is healthy. What we choose and how we do it must be healthy for us to have health.  Health is all encompassing to our existence. 

Emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health all support each other. For instance, you more likely become cranky and are less likely to perform well when you do not get enough sleep or food. To get adequate sleep and proper nutrition require planning, determination, and study. The disciplines of repetition, pushing ourselves, and building upon successes and failures lay the foundation to consistently not be cranky and to perform well. 

Your health depends upon your foundation to master stresses. You cannot improve without being stressed. In sports, an athlete cannot perform well without the challenges of pushing his or her body past comfort. Knowledge is not learned without effort. Loving someone does not happen without overcoming problems.  We cannot advance without stressing ourselves. Yet, stress is the number one killer. Thus, health in every arena relies upon our ability to discern how to healthily involve stress and respond to stressful situations and looking for the best and healthiest solutions.

To manage your health, you must become aware of the many decisions you make in each day. You cannot be sloppy about what you choose. Simply ask, “Will this decision help my health or harm it?” “Is my attitude healthy?” “Ten, twenty, thirty years from now, will I be healthier for this decision?” You usually know the answers, so make the healthy choice. Your healthy choice will always make you stronger emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. When you are uncertain, make the best decision possible. Then, stay curious and cautious so you can be ready to correct anything unhealthy.

Remember, it is healthy to be at peace, to be humble, compassionate, and thankful, to have proper boundaries, and to be loving. It is healthy to rise to challenges, reach beyond risk, help, support and take care of those around you in a healthy way. Health is powerful to make everything about you healthy and strong.  Your work, your sports performance, you grades, your relationships, and your teamwork will all advance when you improve your health. And you will feel healthy about yourself.  Be strong and healthy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Your Body Has So Much Potential

Guaranteed, your body can make more motions. You know what a googol is.  It is one with a hundred zeros following it.  Square it, and you are still under the number of defining positions for the motions your body can make.  Take ranges of motion between the defining positions and you have a lifetime of ranges you can elevate. Potential? Yes. Practical? No. Helpful when it comes to pain and performance? Very.

We witness top athletes pushing their bodies to new limits. Some sports demand more diversity of motions than others, but as any athlete knows, just because he can swing a bat or a club, it doesn't mean he can ice skate. I can swim faster and longer than most big, buff, champion wrestlers or football players even being twenty to thirty years their senior! And there are eighty year old marathon runners, male and female, who can whip my bootie. This says a lot about muscle function. It is very specific and is not age-dependent.

When I train you, I put you in the positions you need to bring stability to your joints. I coach you to move in ranges you didn't know you had. I also am very specific at improving the motions of your sport or daily activities and gaining the fine tuning necessary to be considerably more accurate and capable.

When you want to be more active, be able to walk longer, be available to do more in your day, or compete at max, your body potential is waiting to be gained.  Good news is, when you have problems, you have greatly missed that joint or area's potential.  It is simply deficit in important, specific, stabilizing ranges.  Training your body quickly to do what it hasn't been doing is The Cyto Advantage. Don't miss your amazing potential

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Measuring Your Health by Your Density

Good Morning! This morning I went to Trader Joe's and and was reminded of the goodness in a freshly, fully-packed pantry.  The displays were full of abundance and life.  I walked out of there saying, "Always shop (for healthy food) on an empty stomach."Many people are not used to thinking of their bodies as a pantry. Your organs are not only for use but for storage.  I liken your body to many bank accounts that belong to one owner. The owner often borrows from one area to build another. Your muscular system, when not in use, is often called upon to give up resources to be used elsewhere. This is why someone in a traumatic accident or after a stroke will lose so much muscle tissue. The more nutrients you store, the more dense you become. When you have more fats and carbohydrates than you do nutrition and than you have need for them, you store these as fat.  Storing fat is good unless it becomes a burden and you are unable to use it.  The way to become dense is to choose nutrient rich foods and to do activities that use these nutrients.  You also must sleep for maintenance and repair. You can make your muscles more dense by use and your brain too.  All your organs can become more dense. You have heard that some people have "thicker skin!" You can even strengthen your emotions all by learning how to become more dense. The flip side of become dense is to become buoyant.  (I say this lightly.) Fat can be heavy, and it can become laden with waste and toxins, but it weighs less per cubic inch than organs and muscles.  We become buoyant when we lose nutritional density in our hormonal and other systems. The key to reversing excess fat, no matter whether it is due to overeating, diabetes, or some other disease, is to choose to become well-stocked and dense with nutrients. You can get the good nutrients you need to become nutrient dense by consuming substances that have lots of nutrients like spices, herbs, juices, fruits, sea and land vegetables, meats, and unrefined, quality oils. You must have good quality fats and oils to become nutrient dense.  (Who has room for processed foods when you are busy enjoying all the flavor and abundance in the real foods?)  You can take concentrated nutrients in externally using those same high quality oils, highest quality essential oils, spices, herbs, Epsom and other salts, kelp and much more. The key to "Maximizing quality in" is discerning and choosing what gives you the healthiest array of nutrients.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Are You Ready For Healing?

These are a few questions to ask yourself.  If you seriously ponder them, they can help you prepare to heal. 

Do you want your body to work the best it can?

Do you believe you can heal?

Have you asked questions where you have doubts?

Do you like the way your body is working?

Do you want your body to work better?

Are you amply taking care of your health?

How serious are you about correcting your problem to the best of your ability?

Will you make the time that is needed to undo and prevent damage?

Do you think your body is worth more than your car or house?

Do you value your body?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Living Fully

There are many important components to living fully which are uniquely yours. Today, we will rally around your precious body and the vigor you need to enjoy your dreams, goals, and daily life.

Everything you love, you do with vigor. From ambitions to vices, what you set your mind upon, you set out to do.  However, fulfilling what you want to accomplish can be limited or stopped short by your body.

You depend upon your body. Whether it be sitting at a desk taking care of business, being in a tickle match with your grandkids, or training for a marathon, your body needs to hold up to your daily demands.

Some say, "Use it or lose it." Others rely on, "Practicing perfectly makes perfect."  I add, “Maximize quality to optimize life," and "Build life each day."  While you can live joyfully with a struggling body, your living fully is supported by your body being at its best.  Is your body at its best?

As the graph depicts, when you consistently invest in your body so you cannot go backwards, you will maximize your upward progress more quickly than you imagined possible. Your success is only a few important steps away.

Notice how the beginning changes are smaller. Expect this with your body. Your first days of The Cyto Advantage are significant, but what happens in the next week is substantial.  Within a few weeks, you change your poor biomechanics and enjoy a renewed life.  It can happen this fast when we work together optimally and purposefully.

Taking care of your body to live fully means I give you the most refreshing motions either manually or through very unique and precise exercises. As you and I discover your weaknesses, we work together to fix them.  You learn to do motions you are missing.  At the onset, it takes concentrated time, effort and money, but as you fulfill the needed changes in your body, you recuperate the cost with the results of renewed health and life. What could take years or never happen can happen quickly with The Cyto Advantage. 

Do you have the vigor to gain a renewed life? Reversing problematic biomechanics is a call and a few weeks away. Living fully is then up to you. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Biomechanics?

Biomechanics is not a common term. I am frequently asked, "What is biomechanics?" and "What does a biomechanist do?" Biomechanics is the physics behind how your body works. The word means body or life mechanics. Your body performs biomechanically every day, with every move.

Biomechanists are usually associated with fitting prosthetics and with baseball pitching analysis. However, your body is special enough to be assisted with such caring, careful precision. While there are not enough biomechanists to meet the biomechanical needs of everyone now, I have vision for a body mechanics shop at every corner.

Why? Biomechanist are needed because movement is so important and still very underrated. Biomechanists would improve children's physical development, athletes' performances, businessmen's golf games, and how well everyone at every age would work and enjoy life.   

As a biomechanist, I study the many ways you move. I note where your movements are strong, dominant, and creating imbalances and evaluate where your movements are restricted, weak, and unstable.

Then I help you move in the needed, biomechanically under-used ranges. How I help you is very specific and unique to your needs. Each precise motion you will make improves your biomechanics.  As your muscles and joints work better, you feel better, and your joint structures can heal.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Turning Your Body Around

Today's post builds upon what I shared in earlier blogs and may be more meaningful if you read one or more of my previous postings. You can find them by scrolling down or clicking on a Blog Archive title in the column to the right.

Your body is designed with a tremendous margin of tolerance, meaning, there is significant deviation from ideal before you feel symptoms. For a healthy body, the first symptoms are mild. Thus, unless you know to pay attention, you may unintentionally ignore them.

Major problems are usually long preceded by noticeable warnings. Even traumatic injuries usually occur at the “weaker links” of your structure and heal more quickly in people whose bodies are closer to ideal and to the margin of tolerance.

Beyond the margin of tolerance, is the margin of intolerance. Within this range, symptoms increase because you increasingly should not tolerate them. If you do not heed the intolerable tension, discomfort, pain or lowered function and if you accept what is not normal, you move your body into a margin of significant intolerance. 

In the margin of significant intolerance, your body is miserable from being chronically ignored.  You demand it to perform though it writhes in pain. Meanwhile, your mind continues frustrated and your body continues to hurt as you enter into the margin of failure.

In the margin of failure, aspects of your lifestyle and previously important activities come to a halt.  You may struggle to meet your basic physical needs, such as cleaning, cooking, even dressing and sleeping.  You may think it has to do with disinterest, being tired, or laziness, but these often occur because of decreased bodily functions.
Now what? You realize that you are heading away from ideal.  You have to do something. Something needs to change.

Your mind must assist the body, for the body is first dependent upon the mind. The mind is dependent upon the body to carry out its tasks. In return, you must adequately, even amply, give to your one and only, truly amazing, helpful and necessary servant, your body.

People in longstanding pain and dysfunction must soul search if they want to have a renewed life. A renewed life is comprehensive; and, it is a joy that proper changes bring rewards. Renewal of life means that the old, stale, not-working philosophy is replaced with one that sustains a fresh, healthy, genuinely better quality of life.

Discussing Medication, Surgery, Miracle Healing

Sometimes taking pain-pills, having a surgery or receiving a miraculous healing makes the body feel better. When these situations bring relief, the recipient is given a second chance to take initiative for their own health. If the mind doesn't have a healthy care for the body, the better feeling will not last long. As far as I've witnessed, if the recipient doesn't use the better health to further help the body parts to work better, then the pain comes back, often worse and differently with certain surgeries and pain-masking medications.

There are many who are disappointed and still in pain who have tried to be proactive, prayed for miraculous healings, or have endured failed surgeries.  If this is you, you still can meet the needs of your body.  Your quest must continue to properly support joint and muscular function.  Adequate improvements are always needed to truly heal.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Step Three for Mastering Your Physical You

There are many healing philosophies. Your health depends upon discerning flaws and accuracies in what you believe and others share.  Knowing how to correctly care for your joint and body health depends upon understanding basic science concepts.   I hope my quick and meaty presentation adds confidence and excitement that you can Master Your Physical You.

Your body is meant to heal. You must be able to heal to be healthy. Every cell has three health-critical functions: protect, provide, replicate.

Each of your cells must protect itself.  Its cell wall must escort wastes out. It needs to defend against bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic attacks and resist harmful substances. It must detoxify when poisoned.

The cells of your different organs provide their unique contributions. Your muscle cells contract and relax. Your brain cells conduct electrical and relay chemical messages.  Your bone cells balance strength and resiliency and produce blood cells. Similar but different nutrition and energy run the cells of each of your organs.

Your cell quality and quantity are dependent upon reliable replication. Certain blood cells live a few days and other, such as you liver cells, live for about 5 months.  Your muscle cells last around 15 years. While cells die, you can keep living. . . only because your cells make new cells, and they don't all die at once. You must make well-functioning new cells. Otherwise, your cells' abilities to properly protect themselves and do their tasks wane until you have system failures such as torn tendons, scoliosis, adrenal exhaustion, or diabetes. When do you die? When cellular health and function are significantly disrupted and cells cannot adequately repair.

For your musculoskeletal system, torn tissues and skewed structure are the result of inadequate nutrient and energy supply and insufficient training of weaker muscles.  When you give your muscle cell their required nutrients and appropriate training, your muscles can properly performs their tasks.

Nutrients are concentrated in herbs, spices, beverages, and foods. What they offers varies in quality and density depends on how they were grown, harvested, stored, and prepared. These consumables transfer their chemical and electrical energy to equip your cells to protect, provide and replicate.

External mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electrical energy can also transfer internally by their unique properties to your joint structures.  These sources of healing can come from training, exercise, bodywork, the sun, heat, essential oils, wind, and devices that produce current, polarities, oxygen, hydrogen or other things found to support cellular health. They have varying qualities and concentrations that affect the rate and permanency of your healing.

The tendency for your body to head towards chaos (1st Law of Thermodynamics) and the ability for you to transfer energy into you to overcome the chaos (2nd Law of Thermodynamics) give us valuable insight.  Random choices lead to increasing randomness. Orderly choices bring increasing order.

Your improvement depends upon improving order in your body and the transfer of energy to fill the deficits. With better choices, you are rewarded with more thorough, efficient, and long-lasting renewal.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Step Two for Mastering Your Physical You

Once you believe that your highly important body is a top priority, your next step is to begin to meet its needs with what you already know. These are the things you do not need to find out if they are true or not. It is obvious. Go ahead, list what you know.

On this list will be get adequate sleep, eat well, breathe, rest, don't push through the pain, drink enough water, don't overreact to stressful situations. Another important basic is doing the things you say that you should and shouldn't do. Usually, you know what and when you need to do something. Your accuracy improves as you practice discerning your self-talk. When you catch yourself saying, “I should do _____” or I shouldn't do ______”, then develop the discipline to check whether you are right... if you are, then follow-through.

These are the basic things your body requires to heal. If you had done this over the years, you likely would not have pain or problems today. Chronic conditions become longstanding because you have continually overstepped your own boundaries. You have chosen to disregard the basic needs for being healthy. Traumatic injuries heal more rapidly when you do these things.  Some are minimized or prevented when you have strong health before the trauma.

On your list of things you already know you should do may be to exercise, walk, get out more, play and have fun, work harder, smarter, less or more. Just remember not to push through pain to do any of these things. You may need to push past gravity, resistance, laziness, or rebellion!  This type of commitment to prudence and diligence is another basic necessity for health.

As you daily practice these things, remember to be appreciate and enjoy your life and others'. Your health and peacefulness are dependent upon it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Step One for Mastering Your Physical You

Prioritizing and organizing. Everything that you do well depends upon these disciplines. Knowing the inner workings of your body may seem overwhelming, unobtainable or nebulous, but that does not minimize your need to master prioritizing and organizing on behalf of your body.

Whatever is holding you back from properly responding to the needs of your body is what you must master first. Your body, as competent and important as it is, is completely dependent upon you to care for it. Usually, people do not believe they can or are meant to do anything about the pain and problems. They believe they are victims of their own bodies. People also do not respond properly because they think they are too tired, too poor, too ignorant, too low on time, too lazy, or too cheap.  These are all a matter of priority.

What is holding you back from meeting the needs of your body? Some thought and devotion must be spent to identify where you rank the importance of your health.  Your body is more important than the car that transports you. Your health is more important than the shelter that protects you. Your body and senses give you the ability to enjoy you toys of technology now and hopefully for years to come. Do you treat your body with the esteem and reverence that you do for your most prized possessions and hobbies?

When your body's health has its rightful place, you will organize your life to maintain health.  You will be glad to serve your body with energy, time, money, diligence and good decisions. You will take responsibility to provide adequate and enduring support to keep yourself functioning and strong for years to come. You will learn to love and be thoughtful towards your precious body. Serve it well, and it will serve you well.  May your health last you a fulfilling lifetime. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Responding To Pain and Problems

Pain and problems are ingenious ways for the body to communicate with you.  Yes, your body has a mouth.  So, why doesn't it just tell you what is wrong, and you'll fix it?  When you learn to genuinely care about your body, you will discover a deeper meaning for health and life.
How can you genuinely care?  First, you get involved.  You must pay attention and listen to the feedback that your body gives you.  All day long, it offers you a remarkable amount of information.

When you feel cold, warm, itchy, tense, relaxed, discomforted, comfortable, or in pain, your nervous system is providing details to your brain.  Even the types of pain are important messages to help you know what is happening.  Problem tells you that you didn't have enough strength in the tissue to meet the forces.  Torn muscles tell that the muscle fibers were not strong enough to resist the forces.  Worn out discs or cartilage communicate that skewed forces have been grating the tissue.  Ligaments back up the muscles, so tears reveal significant muscular weakness in the ranges that correlate with the position of the ligament.

The first thing to do if you experience symptoms or a problem is to ask, "Why?"  Why does this hurt?  Why did my knee lock?  What is the reason that I am feeling stiff?  Is there a disc pinching a nerve?  Is there something not working to make my knee lock?  Did I eat well yesterday?  Was I sleeping a certain way?  Did I sleep long enough?

You must become a detective who won't stop until you get your answer. Whenever you are interested in understanding something, you ask questions, you ponder, you try to make connections between the cause and the effect.  Learning is always a process of trial and error and increasing your ability to discern the truth from the half-truths.  Sometimes you are fortunate and the best solutions come quickly and easily.  However most of the time, it takes persistence, diligence, and tenacity to find what is best.  You must hone the skills that real, enduring health requires.

Symptoms are desirable feedback.  They are your body's way of politely saying, "Help me, there is a problem."  If you do not listen, it will eventually scream, "Help me!"  You may try to shut it up by using pain killers or cutting out parts of it, but this is not a real solution.  It just cuts off the communication.  Even if you feel better, you have not provided a correction of the faulty biomechanics.  The result is simply a postponed and often bigger, more painful problem.

Either you will learn to master your body's problems and your symptoms or they will master you.  They will make it so that you either can or cannot do the things you want to do.  Thus, mastery necessitates learning how your body works.  The more serious and debilitating the symptoms, the more your body is demanding you get involved and take responsibility.

The moral of this blog is to take a genuine, caring interest in your body.  Listen to it.  Get to know it.  Figure out how it works and how to help it.  Your body is the only one you have.  Treat it with the utmost of healthy tender, loving, care, and it will treat you the same.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Excelling With The Cyto Advantage

Cyto means cell. The cell is the basic unit from which living organisms are made. Saito is my maiden name. I used it in naming the Saito Gait Cycle Model I discovered in 1991, the Unifying Field Theory that I have been successfully using to identify muscular strengths and weaknesses and to bring balance, stability, and power back to the joints. The advantage that you will obtain from giving attention to these basic units is the strength and excellence behind the name The Cyto Advantage.

John Wooden, the man with the title of being the "Winningest Coach," stressed our need to master the basics to win. His philosophy pertains to every aspect of life. "The basics" of your musculoskeletal system are the individual muscle cells that control your movements. If you are to perform, move, and heal well, the energy and repair systems that support the muscles and all the cells of your joint structures must function well. This is an amazingly "tall-order" that we ask and try to demand of our bodies, often without giving our bodies the resources and tools needed to fill our orders.

Healing is multi-faceted. With The Cyto Advantage, you learn to master the basics of healing. I will coach you to understand your body's needs and how to meet them. At the beginning, I assess what is happening with your joints and begin to gently and specifically get their weak, "stuck," unused ranges moving. My tchnique feels good. You are not suppose to hurt. Pain is a warning sign, and you have choices for how you can respond it.

Where your body is weak, it has not had the energy and neural input to run important muscles. After I manually activate your muscles, you are better prepared to Saito Precision Exercise them in these unused ranges. These exercises are more precise than anything you have done. We will consider which other systems in your body may be limiting the healing resources.

All painful problems occur because there is weakness in the tissue for which your supply did not meet your demand. Some of you admit you have weaknesses.  Others of you, often weight lifters or people who are otherwise strong, do not realize how weak you are in important power-building ranges. Weakness is a serious and overlooked concern.

Weakness causes imbalance which causes instability. When the demands you place on your joints exceeds the ability for these joints to maintain adequate stability, joint structures are strained. If your body does not have the resources to re-stabilize the joint, the tissues remain irritated and will increasingly become damaged. The body will try to compensate. You may overuse and imbalance other areas. You may make callouses, bone spurs, scar tissue or another means of attempting temporary healing or stability. The good news is that the body is alive, and you can reverse compensation and your problematic biomechanics. What abnormal tissue your body can lay down, it can usually take up.  What was damaged can usually be healed. You and I just need to help it do what it has not been able to do without assistance.

Feel free to email me questions that arise from my explanations.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Renewed Life for the New Year 2011

Happiest New Year Wishes!

Ready to make lasting changes?  If you are like I am, you are eager to make solid improvements.  Health is always one of my top priorities.  From health springs my ability to work, play, perform well, and feel good.  I want to enjoy my kids, my spouse, friends and family without distractions of pain or discomfort.  I desire to accomplish the myriad of daily activities and projects with a bounce in my step.  I need my health so I can love and serve those around me.  After all, those around me are the reason for my working, cooking, cleaning, listening, caring, and running endlessly.

I don't want my body slowing me down.  I want and need to take good care of myself so I can give and enjoy each day to the fullest.  My clear thinking, happy composure, glowing complexion, bright eyes and bushy tail depend upon it.  My accurate golf putt, quick reflexes, powerful swimming stroke, and youthful endurance improve with my health and diminish with those things that stress my well-being and harm my body.  I, like you, want my body to do what my mind says.  I want my body to jump up in the morning ready to work for me and for it to be cheerful, not painful, while it is doing it.

Greetings!  I am Joni Saito Leckey.  I just moved to Scottsdale, Arizona from Oregon to attend the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe this Fall.  Until then, I am available to share with you the results of my 8 years of academic training and 20 years of professional research and quest to improve the function of the musculoskeletal system.  As I convert my findings into layman's terms, it is my goal for you to understand and respond to the aches and pains with proper care.  Just like everything you have mastered, you simply need guidance and diligence to know well what is so near and dear to you, your body. 

Join me daily in this adventure and feel free to call or email me with questions.  Your body is waiting on you to learn how to nurture it with the needed catalysts for healing, and The Cyto Advantage is here to help you.