Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Biomechanics?

Biomechanics is not a common term. I am frequently asked, "What is biomechanics?" and "What does a biomechanist do?" Biomechanics is the physics behind how your body works. The word means body or life mechanics. Your body performs biomechanically every day, with every move.

Biomechanists are usually associated with fitting prosthetics and with baseball pitching analysis. However, your body is special enough to be assisted with such caring, careful precision. While there are not enough biomechanists to meet the biomechanical needs of everyone now, I have vision for a body mechanics shop at every corner.

Why? Biomechanist are needed because movement is so important and still very underrated. Biomechanists would improve children's physical development, athletes' performances, businessmen's golf games, and how well everyone at every age would work and enjoy life.   

As a biomechanist, I study the many ways you move. I note where your movements are strong, dominant, and creating imbalances and evaluate where your movements are restricted, weak, and unstable.

Then I help you move in the needed, biomechanically under-used ranges. How I help you is very specific and unique to your needs. Each precise motion you will make improves your biomechanics.  As your muscles and joints work better, you feel better, and your joint structures can heal.

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