Monday, January 31, 2011

Giving You The Most

Here are the top ten qualities The Cyto Advantage maximizes for you:
  1. Trains You Towards Ideal
  2. Prioritizes Motions for Individual Needs
  3. Frees Up Ranges Of Motion
  4. Isolates Cooperative Movements in Your Core, Digits, and Limbs
  5. Integrates Strength and Accuracy with Mental and Physical Conditioning
  6. Strengthens For Dynamic Stability, Giving Pain Free Power
  7. Enhances Efficiency for Endurance
  8. Supplies Resources To Surpass Your Demand
  9. Coordinates Organ Support
  10. Optimizes Movements, Time and Efforts

My dozen key Precision Training words are Ideal, Specificity, Prioritize, Free, Isolate, Integrate, Stabilize Dynamically, Resources, Organ Support, Optimize.

Physics and physical laws cannot be escaped.  When we understand and apply them, they help us discern what is harmful and beneficial. You can do many more things with the quality of life you want when you apply these laws and principles in an organized fashion.

To do this, you would need to know what is ideal function. You need to know which of your 630 plus muscles are your top priority and how to train them in their three dimensions. You would need to be able to free up each joint to minimize restrictions, know how each muscles cooperates to provide dynamic stability, and how to teach your mind and body to do what quickly facilitates strength, accuracy, stability, efficiency and endurance gains.

You would need to know how the joints cooperate with each other to take care of problematic areas. If you had chronic and/or intense problems, you would need to take greater care at singling out which specific ranges of motions would counter balance the destabilizing forces and how to get these weak muscles to participate and the dominant muscles to relinquish control.

You likely have heard about glucosamine and chondroitin or are possibly taking them. To really get toward ideal function, you would need to know what repairs all the joints tissues, how the blood and lymph carry nutrients and wastes, and which quality and individual nutrients in your supplements and diet would enable your muscles to re-stabilize your joints. If you weren't healing quickly, you would need to know how to problem solve where you were missing the fix. Correction as we get older takes more than just exercise as many find out.

All through the years, our different organ systems would compete for resources. When we were young, most of us had the grace of growth hormone and sufficient enzymes to bring repair while we were naive. As we age, we are required to take more responsibility to eat and sleep well and increasingly know what we can do to support the integration of our organ systems to repair and heal. All systems are important for helping your musculoskeletal system. Your musculoskeletal system is important for helping all your organs.

My decades of attention to coordinating these details are why I can optimize your movements, time, and efforts for you. Knowledge building and change often takes time. This is why I believe investing in my help for your body gives you your best return on your time, money, and efforts. Your body is your most important tool. Care for it well.

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