Friday, January 21, 2011

Your Body Has So Much Potential

Guaranteed, your body can make more motions. You know what a googol is.  It is one with a hundred zeros following it.  Square it, and you are still under the number of defining positions for the motions your body can make.  Take ranges of motion between the defining positions and you have a lifetime of ranges you can elevate. Potential? Yes. Practical? No. Helpful when it comes to pain and performance? Very.

We witness top athletes pushing their bodies to new limits. Some sports demand more diversity of motions than others, but as any athlete knows, just because he can swing a bat or a club, it doesn't mean he can ice skate. I can swim faster and longer than most big, buff, champion wrestlers or football players even being twenty to thirty years their senior! And there are eighty year old marathon runners, male and female, who can whip my bootie. This says a lot about muscle function. It is very specific and is not age-dependent.

When I train you, I put you in the positions you need to bring stability to your joints. I coach you to move in ranges you didn't know you had. I also am very specific at improving the motions of your sport or daily activities and gaining the fine tuning necessary to be considerably more accurate and capable.

When you want to be more active, be able to walk longer, be available to do more in your day, or compete at max, your body potential is waiting to be gained.  Good news is, when you have problems, you have greatly missed that joint or area's potential.  It is simply deficit in important, specific, stabilizing ranges.  Training your body quickly to do what it hasn't been doing is The Cyto Advantage. Don't miss your amazing potential

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