Sunday, January 30, 2011

Your Personal Body Mechanic

I believe your body has a specific layout design offering ideal function. My research and experience enables me to point your joints, mind and supporting organs towards ideal. You  may never be perfect, but you can move as close to ideal as you choose.  At whatever rate you want to move towards ideal, my unique and proprietary techniques can help you.

You have hundreds of joints with 600-plus muscles controlling them. Each joint and muscle affects the others considerably. Within hours, I gently help you feel and function better. As a result, you will move more freely and securely with greater stability. The more your joints move towards ideal, in balancing ranges and with detailed accuracy, the fewer problems you have, the more control you master, and the better you feel and look. 

Your body mechanics supports you to live happily. What more can you do with a well-working body?

Some people just want their car to get them from point A to point B. If it breaks down once in a while, it's okay. They accept that the inconvenience is to be expected. However, some people want their cars to run well, quietly, dependably, with good efficiency, nice looks, and longevity. As your personal body mechanic, I am there for you when your body breaks down, but I have gone through great lengths and sacrifices to be the mechanic that can equip and detail you to be the prized collectible and exhibition piece with prestigious Indy performance for your sport and/or your daily life, relationships and life's events. 

When I improve the physics behind your motions, your body can better serve you to fulfill your ambitions.  Advancing your body mechanics overcomes wear and tear so you play your sport better and longer and can carry out your daily activities and goals with more strength, poise, and joy in your steps.

Feel free to email me questions.  Join with me, "your personal body mechanic," to help others understand and utilize the valuable expertise of The Cyto Advantage.

1 comment:

  1. I am very much interested in mechanical works and I also do repairing of my bike at home. But If I get some problem then I see its solution online, this time I am looking for a discussion with a bike mechanic.

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